Polynomial in standard form

On this post you will find the explanation of what a polynomial in standard form is. You will also see examples of polynomials in standard form and how to put a polynomial in standard form. And finally, you will find solved practice problems on writing a polynomial in standard form. When is a polynomial in […]

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Evaluating expressions

On this post we explain how to evaluate algebraic expressions. Also, you will see examples of evaluations of expressions and you will find practice problems on evaluating algebraic expressions solved step by step. How to evaluate expressions To evaluate an algebraic expression for a given value, you have to substitute the variable of the expression

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Zero (or null) polynomial

Here you will find what a zero polynomial is, also known as a null polynomial, and you will see examples of this type of polynomial. What is a zero (or null) polynomial? The definition of zero or null polynomial is as follows: In mathematics, the zero polynomial, also called null polynomial, is a polynomial in

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Degree of a polynomial

On this post we explain what the degree of a polynomial is and how to find the degree of a polynomial. You will also see several examples of how to do it and the different types of polynomials according to their degree. Finally, you will find solved problems to practice. What is the degree of

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Remainder theorem

Here you will find what the remainder theorem is and how to use it in polynomials. You will also see examples and, in addition, exercises solved step by step on the remainder theorem. What is the remainder theorem? The definition of the remainder theorem is as follows: The remainder theorem states that the remainder of

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Polynomial synthetic division

On this post we explain how to use synthetic division to divide polynomials. Here you will see examples and exercises solved step by step of the polynomial synthetic division. AFinally, you will find all the applications of this method. What is the synthetic division? The synthetic division, also called polynomial synthetic division, is an algebraic

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Monic polynomial

On this post you will find what a monic polynomial is and examples of monic polynomials. You will also see the properties of this type of polynomial and how a polynomial is transformed into a monic polynomial. What is a monic polynomial? The definition of a monic polynomial is as follows: In mathematics, a monic

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Homogeneous polynomial

On this post we explain what homogeneous polynomials are. You will also see examples of homogeneous polynomials and the properties of this type of polynomial. Iin addition, you will find what the difference between homogeneous polynomials and heterogeneous polynomials is. What is a homogeneous polynomial? The definition of a homogeneous polynomial is as follows: In

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